Ear infections are some of the most common reasons dog owners visit the vet but did you know you can begin the diagnostic process at home? Run our at-home tests at the first sign of an ear infection to arm your vet with the information they need to help your pet get better, faster.
Be ready with FetchDx Test Kits! For a limited time, Whistle Users can get 15% off with code WHISTLE15OFF.
Infection Detection Redefined
There's nothing worse than seeing a dog suffer without having the tools necessary to provide effective results that lead to relief.
Now you can have those tools on hand to get the information your veterinarian needs to help your pet get better faster.
QSM Diagnostics and Whistle have partnered up to improve the standard of care for dog ear health with mail-in diagnostics and wearable smart devices.
Read on to learn more and download our FREE Ear Infection Guide.

We're all ears...
What is Cytology?
Cytology is an examination of a sample using a microscope. The sample is first processed so that certain features are easier to see under the microscope.
In veterinary medicine, it is most frequently used to look at material collected from an animal's ears to try to determine what might be causing symptoms.
Studies show that ear swabs collected by pet owners at home provide the same results as samples collected in the clinic.
FetchDx mail-in test kits from QSM Diagnostics provide you with test results in a few days and much-needed peace of mind. This is the gold standard of care test that should be done to best diagnose and treat a bacterial ear infection (bacterial culture identification).
And you can keep tests on hand for when your dog starts to display symptoms of infection.

Did you know these are signs and symptoms of ear infections?

Scratching Ear / Head / Neck
Head Shaking
Rubbing Head / Ears
Red / Moist / Swollen Ears
Smelly Ears
Ear Discharge
Scabby Ear Flaps
Ear Irritation
Hearing Loss
Sensitive Ears
Why use FetchDx and Whistle?
Tracking daily behaviors with a Whistle smart device helps you understand how your pet is really feeling, spot issues sooner and give them the personalized care they need.
Studies show that ear swabs collected by pet owners at home provide the same results as samples collected in the clinic.
Pet owners feel helpless waiting for a visit. Testing at home empowers pet owners to help their suffering pet and gets results to the vet sooner.
Save Time
Staff in clinics are busier than ever. Having the pet owner collect and submit the sample saves valuable time and resources.
For a limited time, Whistle Users can get 15% off with code WHISTLE15OFF.